“You’ll miss the best things if you keep your eyes shut.”


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future to the back

Established in Tel Aviv in 2004, Tal Eyal Architecture specializes in two principal areas: architectural planning in existing urban environments and architectural-historical research on a municipal scale. The office caters to a wide range of projects, including the planning of new buildings and additions to existing ones; the planning of current uses for existing buildings; interior design; documentation and conservation of buildings. On the urban level, we engage in research, architectural surveys, architectural documentation on an urban scale, and conceiving of and drafting urban zoning plans.

The International Style, which spanned all fields of art and design, represented free, global thinking. It developed at the Bauhaus School of Art and Architecture, which was founded in Germany and operated in the period following World War I (1919–1933). In Israel, modernist (aka “Bauhaus” or “International Style”) houses were largely built in clusters. To me they convey, more than anything, the power of the group over that of the individual. These buildings are characterized by utilitarian simplicity, a wealth of detail, and considerable beauty. The iconic specimens among them, such as Villa Weizmann in Rehovot designed by architect Erich Mendelsohn, are the exception.